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A new year, an updated website

It has been too long since I added a new blog item. I have been busy creating a new website. I started designing it from scratch and kept changing it around. I stopped to refresh my mind and restarted again. What kept me from publishing my new website was all the positive feedback I have received from my old website. So a light bulb went up. How about refreshing the old site! And that is what I have done. And I officially published it today. I hope you like the new look for 2016. I will continue to post information about nutrition, exercise and wellness. And I hope you will send me feedback and questions.

Have a happy and healthy new year!!!

FYI - The picture below was taken during the January 23, 2016 blizzard in Central Park, New York City. I had a wonderful time cross country skiing in the snow with my friends.

cross country skiing in Central Park


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